In this feature documentary, a grandson begins a quest to discover what happened to his grandfather, a military man who died 50 years ago under mysterious circumstances. What begins as a true crime tale told in miniature turns into an existential investigation of a family narrative and its effect on multiple generations. (documentary Channel/CBC, Hot Docs premiere, FIN Gala Presentation)
Worldwide rights are available through Espresso Media at
Reviews for ‘Bernie Langille Wants To Know What Happened To Bernie Langille’
Best Director, Bernie Langille Wants To Know, Screen Nova Scotia Awards, WIFT-AT
Best Cinematography, Bernie Langille Wants To Know, NYC Independent Film Festival
Best Documentary, Bernie Langille Wants To Know, FIN Atlantic International Film Festival
Best Editing in a Documentary Feature, Bernie Langille Wants To Know, Canadian Cinema Editors
Best Atlantic Filmmaker, Bernie Langille Wants To Know, Lunenburg Documentary Festival
Best Canadian Documentary, Special Mention, Bernie Langille Wants To Know, Lunenburg Documentary Festival
Best Documentary, Bernie Langille Wants To Know, Charlottetown Film Festival
Best Documentary Nomination, Bernie Langille Wants To Know, Screen Nova Scotia Awards
Best Editing Nomination, Bernie Langille Wants To Know, Screen Nova Scotia Awards